Comment 11 for bug 526825

Revision history for this message
Parth Malwankar (parthm) wrote : Re: [Bug 526825] Re: Repository.get_stream_1.19 blocks for a long time before sending

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:23 PM, John A Meinel <email address hidden> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Parth Malwankar wrote:
>> ** Attachment added: "timeout bzr.log attached"
> So to start with, part of the problem is that you are doing on-the-fly
> conversion, and then your network connection is probably dropping since
> the lp side is being slow to send data packets to you.
> If you did:
> bzr branch lp:parrot --no-tree local_parrot
> bzr init-repo --2a 2a_parrot
> bzr branch local_parrot 2a_parrot
> Things would probably work better for you. However, also note that if
> 'lp:parrot' isn't in 2a format, then you can't merge a 2a commit back
> into it. (rich-root watershed, etc.)
> John
> =:->

Thanks John.
The --no-tree workaround suggested by you worked.

[tmp]% time bzr branch lp:parrot --no-tree local_parrot
Branched 36837 revision(s).
bzr branch lp:parrot --no-tree local_parrot 209.87s user 7.67s system
5% cpu 1:09:22.15 total

You are right about the parrot repository format. Its Bazaar pack
repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92).